A direct source for antique and modern picture postcards and other collectables in the
Sub Domains are available for sale on this domain name, please contact
us for further details.
Examples: antique.collections.co.uk and philatelic.collections.co.uk
We can also offer this service on topographical.co.uk and cardcollectables.co.uk
Collecting British Army Postcards by Geoff White added to Publications -
Alix Baker Military Picture Postcard Sets added to
Modern Postcards 12.04.06
Elmer Keene postcards added to Artist Picture Postcards 14.03.06
Gibraltar and Senegal added to Foreign Postcards 15.02.06
Mabel Lucie Attwell picture postcards added
to Artists Postcards 30.01.06
Burma Picture Postcards added to Asia Postcards 02.01.06
Thailand Picture Postcards added to Asia Postcards 29.11.05
Bulgaria Postcards added to Foreign Postcards 18.09.05
Philippines Postcards and Zanzibar Postcards added to Foreign Postcards 02.08.05
Ceylon Picture Postcards added to Foreign Postcards 01.08.05
Demark Topographical Picture Postcards
added to European Postcards - 30.07.05
Plymouth Postcards added to Devon Topographical Postcards 16.05.05
The British Army from Old Photos
added to Moderns 05.05.05
Golf Postcards added to Sport 20.11.04
California, Florida, New Mexico and
Oregon Postcards added to Foreign Topographical
Canada Postcards added to Foreign Topographical 15.11.04
G. E. Shepheard added to Artist Postcards 01.11.04
Brian Gerald and Geo. Melvin Rennie added to Artist Postcards 31.10.04
Charles E. Hannaford added to Artist Postcards 27.10.04
St. Mary Cray postcards added to Kent Topographical Postcards 18.09.04
Ceylon picture postcards added to Foreign 02.07.04
3-D Postcards added to Moderns 1.01.04
Turkey Execution by Hanging postcards added
to Foreign 1.12.03
Specialised Military Postcard Sets postcards added
to Modern postcards 2.05.03
The British Army Series postcards added to Modern postcards 24.03.03
South Africa post cards added to Foreign Topographical 1.03.03
Aden, Sierra Leone and Zanzibar postcards added to Foreign Topographical 27.02.03
Louise, Mr Bean, Sandra Bullock and Sharon Stone postcards added to Modern postcards 4.01.03
Radiohead, Cranberries and New Order postcards added to Modern postcards 1.01.03
Turkey postcards added to Foreign 29.12.02
Kiss and Prodigy postcards added to Modern postcards 26.12.02
Friends and Marshall Amplifiers post cards added to Modern postcards 20.12.02
Ja-Ja Heraldic postcards - just over 200
listed in Heraldry 1.12.02
A R Quinton and other Salmon artists
postcards added this week 30.09.02
Pictorial Stationery Co (Peacock) postcards added to Jotter postcards 22.09.02
British Topographical postcards started with the addition
of some Ceredigion postcards in
Wales 11.07.02
Moderns Artist Rosalind Wicks Art and Teddy Bear
postcards updated 10.07.02
All 75 Hot Air Balloon postcards by artist Mark Pacan added 8.06.02
W Carruthers postcards added to Artists 27.05.02
W W Quatremain postcards added to Artists 14.05.02
C Essenhigh Corke postcards added to Artists 13.05.02
Spider-Man Editions One and Two
postcards added 12.05.02
News of The Quintessential Quinton Edition II
F E Quinton, nephew of A R Quinton, more
postcards added 16.04.02
Iron Maiden postcards added to Moderns 15.04.02
C T Howard postcards added to Artists 14.04.02
Bruce Lee postcards added to Moderns 25.03.02
Paris Hair Fashions 1984-1986 postcards added

We were in the audience on the Graham Norton Show screened C4 10.35pm 18th July 2003,
for assistance with research on the postcards used on the 17th July Show.
We were also featured on the BBC1 programme Car Booty as the specialist buyer for
screened 18th August 2005 at 10.30am. This edition of the programme has since been repeated.
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