Title: 5645 - If things don't go on as we hoped -
s'pose we can still go on hoping?
by Mabel Lucie Attwell
Postally used
Publisher: All Genuine Attwell Postcards Have The Artist's Signature Thus:- (shows
example of signature) 5645.
Copyright. Valentine & Sons, Ltd., Dundee And London.
Printed colour postcard with POST CARD divided back
Code: PC-MLA-0052 ~ Grade: C ~ Price:
Card measures 88mm x 139mm
Hand written message on reverse reads:
Dearest Sue. We hope you are managing to enjoy yourself in spite of the beastly weather.
The words on this don't mean much but I thought the picture would amuse you - See you on
Sunday Afternoon & have a good time- Love from us all - Mummy x x x "
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