
Title: Maala Load Camels and Cart. No. 8
Postally used postcard dated 19.ii.'31 posted at Port Said to
then redirected to Virginia Water in Surrey. Postcard bears George V
postmarked '_. S/28 FE31/PAQUEBOT' with Bedford arrival mark and
additional arrival (?).
Publisher: Egyptian Cigarettes Factory, M. S. Lehem & Co., Aden.
Real photographic sepia postcard with divided POST CARD back
Code: PC-ADEN-028 ~ Grade: C ~
Price: £15.00 ~ SOLD
Card measures 140mm x 90mm

Reverse of postcard showing postmark
Copyright © Egyptian Cigarettes Factory, M. S. Lehem & Co., Aden
Handwritten message on reverse reads:
Dearest 19.ii.'31
I'm posting this at Port Said, just to let you know, we're "full of
life" - and so far have had a very pleasant voyage. There's a gale
blowing this morning but I rather enjoy it! The weather has been
wonderfully kind, sea calm the whole way. We went to Aden - Mallah (?)
is very steady and most comfortable. I sent old Dave an Ocean Letter, he
will have received it last Monday, so knows by now we're O.K. Can't
realise we're coming Home. Yet! Longing to see You again - keep warm,
don't stand about at the station waiting for us! Best love. S.
Addressed to:
Mrs M. Mitchell, c/o Mrs Bullett,44 Spring Road, Kempston, Bedford,
Readdressed to:
c/o Mrs Hopcraft, "Newby", Callow Hill, Virginia Water,
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