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All items are subject unsold and first come first served.

Order No. Publisher Grade Price £
A.& S.
PC-THANKS-0001 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1909'
B.B.London Series No. E81.
PC-THANKS-0002 Postcard A Thanksgiving Greeting (vert)
BonTon Art Co.
PC-THANKS-0003 Postcard My thanksgiving Wish. May Luck And Joy Like Faithful Friends Be With You Every Day. p.u. 
D. Goldie
PC-THANKS-0004 Postcard Thanksgiving Greeting
PC-THANKS-0005 Postcard Thanksgiving Greeting
E.B.C. 1814
PC-THANKS-0006 Postcard Thanksgiving Greeting p.u.'1907'
F.A. Owen Co.,
PC-THANKS-0007 Postcard No. 301A - Thanksgiving Thoughts A little point of etiquette is keeping me away ........
German American Novelty Art Series No. 539
PC-THANKS-0008 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1907'
Gottschalk, Dreyfuss & Davis, London, Munich, New-York
PC-THANKS-0245 Postcard  Series no. 2635 Thanksgiving Greetings
H. Wessler
PC-THANKS-0009 Postcard Peace and Plenty for Thanksgiving (vert)
International Art Publ. Co.
PC-THANKS-0246 Postcard Cordial Thanksgiving Greetings p.u.
PC-THANKS-0247 Postcard Hearty Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0010 Postcard Hearty Thanksgiving Greetings For Love present, ill past and good to come ........ (vert) p.u.
PC-THANKS-0011 Postcard Hearty Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1908'
PC-THANKS-0012 Postcard Thanksgiving Joys ........ (vert)
PC-THANKS-0248 Postcard Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving
PC-THANKS-0013 Postcard Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving. p.u. '1908'
PC-THANKS-0014 Postcard Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving. (vert) p.u. '1908'
J.B. & Co.
PC-THANKS-0015 Postcard Thanksgiving Joys (vert)
PC-THANKS-0016 Postcard Series 70A I wish you a good old Thanksgiving time ........ (vert) p.u. '1914'
PC-THANKS-0017 Postcard Series 70C Thanksgiving Day is drawing nigh ........ (vert) p.u. 
J. Herman M. 132
PC-THANKS-0018 Postcard Hearty Thanksgiving Joys (vert)
PC-THANKS-0019 Postcard Lets drive Dull Care away and be Gay ........ (vert)
PC-THANKS-0020 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0021 Postcard Thanksgiving Joys
J.J. Marks
PC-THANKS-0022 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings
J.M. New York
PC-THANKS-0023 Postcard Greetings for Thanksgiving (vert)
L & E ~ Artist is HGB
PC-THANKS-0024 Postcard Serie 2263 Just you wait till Thanksgiving! p.u. '1915'
PC-THANKS-0025 Postcard Serie 2273 Coming events cast their shadows before! p.u. '1911'
PC-THANKS-0026 Postcard Series 2273 Coming events cast their shadows before!
PC-THANKS-0027 Postcard Series 2273 May Thanksgiving always bring a Glad Home coming. p.u. '1911'
PC-THANKS-0028 Postcard Series 2273 May Thanksgiving turkey never get too High For You! (vert) p.u '1912'
"Our Thanksgiving Series"
PC-THANKS-0249 Postcard For a Happy Thanksgiving
PC-THANKS-0029 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0030 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings p.u.
PC-THANKS-0031 Postcard Thanksgiving Joys
PC-THANKS-0032 Postcard Thanksgiving Joys p.u. '1909'
P. Sander
PC-THANKS-0033 Postcard 325 Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1909'
Raphael Tuck & Sons'
PC-THANKS-0034 Postcard Series 123 Thanksgiving Day
PC-THANKS-0250 Postcard Series 123 Thanksgiving Day p.u.
PC-THANKS-0251 Postcard Series 123 Thanksgiving Day p.u.
PC-THANKS-0035 Postcard Series 123 Thanksgiving Day p.u. stamp removed
PC-THANKS-0036 Postcard Series 161 Thanksgiving Day p.u. '1909'
PC-THANKS-0252 Postcard Series 123 Thanksgiving Day p.u.'1910'
PC-THANKS-0037 Postcard Series 185 Thanksgiving Day p.u.
PC-THANKS-0253 Postcard Series 186 A Joyous Thanksgiving
PC-THANKS-0038 Postcard Series 191 Greeting for Thanksgiving p.u.
Schlesinger Bros New York
PC-THANKS-0039 Postcard Ho! for a Happy Thanksgiving Day (vert)
PC-THANKS-0040 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings (vert)
Series 1000 Midland Pub Co. N.Y.
PC-THANKS-0041 Postcard Wishing you every Thanksgiving Joy p.u. '1913'
PC-THANKS-0042 Postcard Wishing you every Thanksgiving Joy
S. Garre
PC-THANKS-0254 A Glad Thanksgiving p.u. '1910' Stamp removed
PC-THANKS-0043 Postcard Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving.
Stegher Lith. Co.
PC-THANKS-0044 Postcard Series 37D Thanksgiving Joys For love and better living ........ (vert)
PC-THANKS-0045 Postcard Series 54A Thanksgiving's comin' bye an' bye ........ p.u. 
PC-THANKS-0046 Postcard Series 70C  Thanksgiving Day is drawing nigh, ........ (vert)
PC-THANKS-0047 Postcard Series 455A Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0048 Postcard Series 560B With every good reason to greet you ........ p.u. '1920'
PC-THANKS-0049 Postcard Series 777F Thanksgiving Wishes
Thanksgiving Series No. 3
PC-THANKS-0255 Thanksgiving Greeting p.u. '1908'
PC-THANKS-0050 Postcard Thanks to him who spared our living We're here, we're here till next Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving Greeting p.u. '1909'
Thanksgiving Series No. 4
PC-THANKS-0051 Postcard Thanksgiving Greeting After the Football Game. (vert)
PC-THANKS-0052 Postcard Thanksgiving Joys They're after us! p.u.
Thanksgiving Series No. 5
PC-THANKS-0053 Postcard A Hearty Thanksgiving p.u. '1909'
PC-THANKS-0054 Postcard A Thanksgiving Greeting p.u. '1909'
Thanksgiving Series No. 7
PC-THANKS-0256 Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0257 Thanksgiving Joys
PC-THANKS-0055 Postcard Wishing you a Peaceful Thanksgiving (vert) p.u. '1911'
Thanksgiving Series No. 8
PC-THANKS-0056 Postcard Thanksgiving Joys (vert) p.u. '1910'
PC-THANKS-0057 Postcard Best Thanksgiving Wishes (vert) p.u. '1911'
Thanksgiving Series No. 12
PC-THANKS-0058 Postcard Thanksgiving Blessings I'm sorry for this old turkey; I can hear him pray; But taint my fault, I didn't invent Thanksgiving Day (vert)
PC-THANKS-0059 Postcard Thanksgiving Blessings You feed me so well but I can tell you are no friend of mine
Because, my dear, I greatly fear, Its near Thanksgiving time. (vert) p.u. '1910'
Thanksgiving Series No. 14
PC-THANKS-0060 Postcard A Bountiful Thanksgiving
PC-THANKS-0061 Postcard A Joyful Thanksgiving p.u. '1911'
Thanksgiving Series No. 18
Triangle logo with N
PC-THANKS-0062 Postcard Thanksgiving Greeting p.u. '1913'
PC-THANKS-0063 Postcard Thanksgiving Greeting p.u. '1912'
PC-THANKS-0064 Postcard Thanksgiving Greeting p.u. 
PC-THANKS-0065 Postcard Thanksgiving Greeting
PC-THANKS-0066 Postcard Thanksgiving Greeting
Thanksgiving Series No. 20
PC-THANKS-0067 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1912'
"Thanksgiving Series" Number 920
PC-THANKS-0258 9205 Thanksgiving Greetings (vert) p.u. '1909'
The Fairman Co.
PC-THANKS-0259 Series 1304 Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0068 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings Oh I got You
The Gibson Art Company
PC-THANKS-0069 Postcard I'm thankful 'cause things are coming my way p.u. '191?'
PC-THANKS-0260 On Thanksgiving Day Here are sincere wishes ........
PC-THANKS-0261 Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0262 Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0070 Postcard With all Good Wishes for Thanksgiving Day p.u. '1926'
Whitney Worcester Made Mass.
PC-THANKS-0071 Postcard Caesar's roads all led to Rome; Thanksgiving roads lead straight toward home (vert)
PC-THANKS-0072 Postcard Hearty Thanksgiving Greetings to you and yours (vert)
PC-THANKS-0263 How the turkey gobble-gobbles! Watch him when he hobble-hobbles ........
PC-THANKS-0073 Postcard Thanksgiving I'm thankful for a host of things ........ p.u.
PC-THANKS-0264 Wishing you all good things on Thanksgiving Day (vert) p.u. '1924'
Logo ABS in Shield with tree
PC-THANKS-0074 Postcard 282 Thanksgiving Greetings. (vert) p.u. '1908'
PC-THANKS-0265 290 Thanksgiving Greetings (vert) p.u. '1910'
PC-THANKS-0075 Postcard 353 Thanksgiving Greetings. (vert) p.u. '1911'
Logo child posting a card
PC-THANKS-0076 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1910'
PC-THANKS-0077 Postcard 2000 Thanksgiving Greetings


Postcard 2096 Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1909'
PC-THANKS-0079 Postcard 2140 Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1909'
PC-THANKS-0080 Postcard 2485 Thanksgiving Greetings Once again ........
PC-THANKS-0081 Postcard 2485 Thanksgiving Greetings We plough ........
PC-THANKS-0082 Postcard 2635 Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1913'
Logo eagle above shield
PC-THANKS-0083 Postcard Thanksgiving-Greetings
PC-THANKS-0084 Postcard Thanksgiving-Greetings p.u.
Logo eagle with snake in mouth
PC-THANKS-0085 Postcard Greetings of the season
PC-THANKS-0086 Postcard Thanksgiving (vert) p.u.'1912'
PC-THANKS-0087 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0088 Postcard Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving p.u. '1912'
Logo HSV in Shield
PC-THANKS-0089 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings (vert)
PC-THANKS-0090 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings (vert)
PC-THANKS-0091 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings (vert)
Logo IS
PC-THANKS-0092 Postcard B16 Thanksgiving Greetings
Logo MAB intertwined
PC-THANKS-0093 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0094 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1911'
Logo N in a triangle
PC-THANKS-0095 Postcard T-18 Thanksgiving Greeting p.u.
PC-THANKS-0096 Postcard T-18 Thanksgiving Greeting p.u.
PC-THANKS-0097 Postcard T-18 Thanksgiving Greeting
PC-THANKS-0098 Postcard T-27 Grand Dinner in honor of Thanksgiving (vert) p.u. '1917'
PC-THANKS-0099 Postcard T-27 Grand Dinner in honor of Thanksgiving (vert) p.u. '1913'
PC-THANKS-0099a Postcard T-27 Grand Dinner in honor of Thanksgiving (vert) p.u. '1913'
PC-THANKS-0100 Postcard T-31 Thanksgiving Greetings Souvenir Accept this Thanksgiving spoon ........
PC-THANKS-0101 Postcard T-31 Thanksgiving Greetings Souvenir On Thanksgiving just at noon ........
PC-THANKS-0102 Postcard T-31 Thanksgiving Greetings Souvenir The sweetest Thanksgiving tune ........
PC-THANKS-0103 Postcard T-31 Thanksgiving Greetings Souvenir This baby's spoon to help convey ........ p.u. '1913'
PC-THANKS-0104 Postcard T-31 Thanksgiving Greetings Souvenir To remind you with this spoon ........ p.u. '1913'
PC-THANKS-0105 Postcard T-51 Thanksgiving p.u. '1920'
Logo NAF co in shield
PC-THANKS-0106 Postcard Series 113A Thanksgiving Greetings p.u.
Logo PBF Serie 7721
PC-THANKS-0107 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1909'
PC-THANKS-0108 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0109 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1907'
PC-THANKS-0110 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1908'
Logo PBF Serie 8409
PC-THANKS-0111 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1908'
PC-THANKS-0112 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1909'
PC-THANKS-0113 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1908'
Logo PBF Serie 8429
PC-THANKS-0114 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1908'
PC-THANKS-0115 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1908'
PC-THANKS-0116 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings p.u.
Logo RB Co. intertwined
PC-THANKS-0117 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0118 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1908'
PC-THANKS-0119 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1908'
PC-THANKS-0120 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings (vert) p.u. 
Logo SB intertwined in circle
PC-THANKS-0121 Postcard 33A Cordial Thanksgiving (vert) p.u. '1913'
PC-THANKS-0122 Postcard 33B Thanksgiving Joys
PC-THANKS-0123 Postcard 622 Best Wishes for Thanksgiving (vert)
PC-THANKS-0124 Postcard 7013 Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0125 Postcard 7166 May this day of days bring you comfort and plenty Thanksgiving Greeting
Logo Stag head in shield series 636
PC-THANKS-0126 Postcard Thanksgivingday p.u. '1910'
Logo TRC (The Rose Company)
PC-THANKS-0127 Postcard Be thankful for the shining sun ........ (vert) p.u. '1908'
PC-THANKS-0128 Postcard Eat, drink and be merry
PC-THANKS-0129 Postcard Thanksgiving Day brings you to my mind ........ p.u. '1912'
PC-THANKS-0130 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings ........ p.u. '1911'
Logo U in shield
PC-THANKS-0131 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings (vert)
No publisher shown - Listed in numerically
PC-THANKS-0132 Postcard Series 37E Thanksgiving Joys For nuts and pears and apples ........ (vert) p.u.
PC-THANKS-0133 Postcard B39 Thanksgiving Greetings (vert)
PC-THANKS-0134 Postcard T14 A Cheerful Thanksgiving p.u.
PC-THANKS-0135 Postcard T-31. Thanksgiving Greetings Souvenir May your Thanksgiving bill-o-fare ......... p.u.
PC-THANKS-0136 Postcard 213 - Thanksgiving Greetings (vert)
PC-THANKS-0137 Postcard S.B. 259 Thanksgiving Greetings (vert)
PC-THANKS-0138 Postcard S.B. 259 Thanksgiving Greetings (vert) p.u.
PC-THANKS-0139 Postcard S.B. 259 Thanksgiving Greetings (vert)
PC-THANKS-0140 Postcard S.B. 259 Thanksgiving Greetings (vert)
PC-THANKS-0141 Postcard S.B. 259 Thanksgiving Greetings (vert)
PC-THANKS-0142 Postcard S.B. 259 Thanksgiving Greetings (vert) p.u.
PC-THANKS-0143 Postcard S.B. 259 Thanksgiving Greetings (vert)
PC-THANKS-0144 Postcard 252 Thanksgiving Greetings


Postcard 301G Thanksgiving Greetings p.u.
PC-THANKS-0146 Postcard 303 Thanksgiving Greetings (vert) p.u.
PC-THANKS-0147 Postcard Series 407C Thanksgiving Greetings Wishing you Joy p.u.
PC-THANKS-0148 Postcard Series 407F Thanksgiving Day Greeting p.u.
PC-THANKS-0149 Postcard Series 455E Thanksgiving Greetings (vert)
PC-THANKS-0150 Postcard 546 "Old homesteads sacred to all that can Gladden or sadden the heart of man"
PC-THANKS-0151 Postcard 546 Thy glad Thanksgiving ........ p.u.


Postcard Ser T.D. 601 Thanksgiving Greetings p.u.
PC-THANKS-0153 Postcard N601 Thanksgiving Greetings p.u.
PC-THANKS-0154 Postcard N601 Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0155 Postcard N601 Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0156 Postcard N601 Thanksgiving Greetings p.u.
PC-THANKS-0157 Postcard 613 Greetings at Thanksgiving p.u.
PC-THANKS-0158 Postcard T. 620-3 Thanksgiving Greetings (vert) p.u.
PC-THANKS-0159 Postcard T. 620-4 Thanksgiving Greetings (vert)
PC-THANKS-0160 Postcard T. 620-6 Thanksgiving Day (vert) p.u.
PC-THANKS-0161 Postcard 634 Thanksgiving Greetings (vert)
PC-THANKS-0162 Postcard No. 669 Thanksgiving Greetings p.u.
PC-THANKS-0163 Postcard No. 669 Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0164 Postcard No. 669 Thanksgiving Greetings p.u.
PC-THANKS-0165 Postcard 727 May your Thanksgiving Turkey be as tender as My Wishes for You (vert) p.u.
PC-THANKS-0166 Postcard 727 May your Thanksgiving Turkey be as tender as My Wishes for You (vert)
PC-THANKS-0167 Postcard No. 730 Thanksgiving Greetings (vert) p.u.
PC-THANKS-0168 Postcard No. 741 Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0169 Postcard 778 May your Thanksgiving be joyous and happy ........ p.u.
PC-THANKS-0170 Postcard 778 "Over the river and over the hill ........ (vert) p.u.
PC-THANKS-0171 Postcard 778 Thank God for rest, where none molest ........(vert) p.u.
PC-THANKS-0172 Postcard 801 A Peaceful Thanksgiving
PC-THANKS-0173 Postcard 801 A Peaceful Thanksgiving p.u.
PC-THANKS-0174 Postcard No. 866 Thanksgiving Greetings (vert) p.u.
PC-THANKS-0175 Postcard 922 A Peaceful Thanksgiving (vert)
PC-THANKS-0176 Postcard No. 956 Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0177 Postcard Series 979D Thanksgiving Joys On your Thanksgiving table .........p.u.
PC-THANKS-0178 Postcard 0760 Thanksgiving Cheer (vert) p.u.
PC-THANKS-0179 Postcard Series 1263C A Happy Thanksgiving A little more happiness ......... (vert)
PC-THANKS-0180 Postcard 2212 Thanksgiving Greetings p.u.
PC-THANKS-0181 Postcard 2212 Thanksgiving Greetings p.u.
PC-THANKS-0182 Postcard 2213 Thanksgiving Greetings p.u.
PC-THANKS-0183 Postcard 2213 Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0184 Postcard 2213 Thanksgiving Greetings p.u.
PC-THANKS-0185 Postcard 2241 Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0186 Postcard 2242 Thanksgiving Greetings p.u.
PC-THANKS-0187 Postcard 4101 Thanksgiving (vert)
PC-THANKS-0188 Postcard 4105 Thanksgiving p.u.
PC-THANKS-0189 Postcard 4109 Thanksgiving The Day We Have Two National Birds p.u.
PC-THANKS-0190 Postcard 4802 Thanksgiving Day (vert) p.u.
PC-THANKS-0191 Postcard 4804 Thanksgiving Day p.u.
PC-THANKS-0192 Postcard 4805 A Happy Thanksgiving
PC-THANKS-0193 Postcard 4806 Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0194 Postcard 4808 A Happy Thanksgiving (vert)
PC-THANKS-0195 Postcard 4812 Thanksgiving Greetings p.u.
PC-THANKS-0196 Postcard 4613 Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving
PC-THANKS-0197 Postcard 4821 Thanksgiving Day p.u.
No Publisher nor Number shown - Listed Alphabetically
PC-THANKS-0198 Postcard A Joyful Thanksgiving
PC-THANKS-0199 Postcard A Joyful Thanksgiving (vert)
PC-THANKS-0200 Postcard Best Wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving p.u. '1930'
PC-THANKS-0201 Postcard Best Wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving p.u. '1909'
PC-THANKS-0202 Postcard Best Wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving Day p.u. '1910'
PC-THANKS-0203 Postcard For What We Receive This Thanksgiving Let Us Be Thankful p.u. '1912'
PC-THANKS-0204 Postcard Grand Dinner in honor of Thanksgiving  (vert) p.u. '1913'
PC-THANKS-0205 Postcard "I only regret that I have but one life to give to my country." "The Turkey" (vert) p.u.
PC-THANKS-0206 Postcard Thanksgiving Day (vert) p.u. '1910'
PC-THANKS-0207 Postcard Thanksgiving Day Greetings (vert)
PC-THANKS-0208 Postcard Thanksgiving Day Greetings (vert)
PC-THANKS-0209 Postcard Thanksgiving Day 'Rivals'
PC-THANKS-0210 Postcard Thanksgiving Day Wishes (vert)
PC-THANKS-0211 Postcard Thanksgiving Joys (vert) p.u.
PC-THANKS-0212 Postcard Thanksgiving Greeting (vert)
PC-THANKS-0213 Postcard Thanksgiving Greeting (vert) p.u. '1909'
PC-THANKS-0214 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0215 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1909'
PC-THANKS-0216 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1909'
PC-THANKS-0217 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings p.u.
PC-THANKS-0218 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1909'
PC-THANKS-0219 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings (vert) p.u. '1910'
PC-THANKS-0220 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0221 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings (vert)
PC-THANKS-0222 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings (vert)
PC-THANKS-0223 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0224 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0225 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings (vert) p.u. '1907' stamp removed
PC-THANKS-0226 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings (vert)
PC-THANKS-0227 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings (vert)
PC-THANKS-0228 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1908'
PC-THANKS-0229 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1908'
PC-THANKS-0230 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings (vert) p.u. '1909'
PC-THANKS-0231 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0232 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings (vert) p.u. '1913'
PC-THANKS-0233 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings (vert) p.u.
PC-THANKS-0234 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings
PC-THANKS-0235 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings p.u.
PC-THANKS-0236 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings p.u. '1908'
PC-THANKS-0237 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings (vert) p.u. '1908'
PC-THANKS-0238 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings (vert) p.u.
PC-THANKS-0239 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings (vert
PC-THANKS-0240 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings If you are as well and thankful as I, You'll relish your dinner from turkey to pie. (vert) p.u.'1927' Stamp removed
PC-THANKS-0241 Postcard Thanksgiving Greetings. The prayer which my mouth is too full to express, swells my heart, that your shadow may never be less. Whittier. p.u. '1910'
PC-THANKS-0242 Postcard Thy glad Thanksgiving, gathering in the scattered sheaves of home and kin. J. G. Whittier. Mayflower in Plymouth Harbor. Choicest Thanksgiving Blessings be thine p.u. '1910'
PC-THANKS-0243 Postcard Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving (vert) p.u. '1910'
PC-THANKS-0244 Postcard With best wishes for a happy Thanksgiving (vert)



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