No. 5 The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards
Formed in 1791 by the amalgamation of the 3rd Carabineers and The
Royal Scots Greys.
Lieutenant: Service Dress (Ceremonial ).
Trumpeter: Full Dress (Dismounted).
Background: Edinburgh Castle.
From a watercolour painting by Douglas N. Anderson.
The Royal Scots Dragon Guards are Scotland’s only regular cavalry
regiment. They were formed in 1971 by the amalgamation of the Royal Scots
Greys and the 3rd Carabiniers. The latter had themselves been the product
of the amalgamation of the 3rd Dragoon Guards and the Carabiniers (6th
Dragoon Guards) in 1922
The Ceremonial Service Dress worn by the Lieutenant has a dark blue forage
cap with a striking van dyke band. This unique feature of the Greys
undress headdress has been retained in yellow rather than the original
white. A Carabiniers’ custom is perpetuated in the gold wire band worn
around the peak by all officers. The khaki tunic is cut to the standard
Royal Armoured Corps pattern and the trousers in the cavalry fashion have
turn ups. Another unique feature of this No. 2 Dress is the cross belt and
pouch worn by all ranks. In the absence of a Sam Browne and frog, the
sword is carried slung from a webbing belt worn around the tunic.
The bearskin of the Scots Greys has been retained. The Extravagant feather
plume is crimson for bandsmen. The Trumpeter is wearing the traditional
Heavy Dragoon pattern pre 1914 tunic. In contradiction to the ‘Royal’
title the facing perpetuate the yellow of the 3rd Dragoon Guards. The
sword slings are kept clipped together when the sword is not carried. The
brass trumpet has a blue silk embroidered banner displaying on the front
the Royal Arms of Scotland with two unicorn supporters.
Edinburgh Castle, shown in the background, houses the Headquarters and
Regimental Museum.
Published 1985.
Copyright © 1995 Published by Geoff White Ltd.
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