Title: Rhodiya woman, Ceylon.
Publisher: "SKEEN-PHOTO"
Printed Black, White and Red postcard with UNION POSTALE UNIVERSELLE/CEYLON
(CEYLAN.) POSTCARD divided back in red
Code: PC-CEYLON-0097 ~ Grade: A- ~
Price: £8.00 ~ SOLD
Card measures 87mm x 136mm
Notes: Hand written message on reverse reads
"This woman belongs to the Rhodiyas or lowest among all castes in
Ceylon. A peculiarity among them is that the women - I may say the
majority - have fine features. In ancient times one way of punishing a
noble of the land was to get him married to one of these women offhand -
and nothing could be more degrading in the eye of the then singhalese.
Though this used to be a terrible imposition upon the nobles of the land,
the Rhodiyas on the other hand ????? because they as a people could lay
claim to Royal blood. Years ago they were not allowed to wear anything in
the shape of clothing above their loins, but the government put a stop to
the custom & this accounts for this woman wearing a mere piece of
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